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ECQA Exams

All needed information on how to perform an exam at the ECQA

Since 2001...

... the examination service has been used in more than 24 countries with participants from small and medium enterprises (SMEs), large multinational companies as well as non-profit organizations, universities, learning centers, education institutions, colleges etc.

... more than 10000 participants have used the examination portal to perform online multiple choice exams and 7800 certificates have been issued.

You are interested in receiving an internationally accepted certificate?!

Bizexaminer Exams



Some of our exams are handled by another platform, only use this exam link, if you were informed to explicitly go to a EuroSPI (ISCN) exam

EuroSPI Exam  


As questions arise more often, please allow us to answer some of the most asked questions here already:

Is the payment per certificate or per Exam?
Every attempt has to be paid seperately. There are some occasions where mutiple attempts have been agreed upon. But this is always done in advance and always in combination with a larger number of exams done at once.

Is the payment of the exam seperate of a possible training fee?
Yes, it is seperate. Sometimes we have training organisations, that not only do the training, but also organise (not host) the exams. In that case the total cost might already include training and exam fee.

Can the exam be reviewed?
Yes. But due to understandable reasons, this has to be done online together with a reviewer of the technical support (the fee needs to be paid in advance and is 75 Euro per review). He/she will guide you through the exam questions and point out what exam questions were answered wrong. There will be no discussion about how to understand/interprate the questions. The exam questions are reviewed multiple times by experts from the field and will only be changed by the job role committee if outdated.
I have lost my certificate, can i get a new one?
Yes, of course. Please send us a short message including, when and at what organisation you took your exam with. We will charge you for printing and shipping and will mail the certificate to the address provided  as soon as possible.






Needed information where and when to attend trainings.

Focus groups

Check out our Domains and the focus groups we are supporting


The ECQA GmbH ® was founded in 2015, forming out of an initiative and several european projects.

The ECQA GmbH is  working with international experts to certify job roles worldwide and to network with experts on the needs of markets and companies.
The ECQA is an expert Organization in certifying job roles and providing exams (online and on premise) for other organizations. As well as certification of prior knowledge (formal, non-formal and informal learnings).

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13 Years Of Experience In Certification

We’re proud that the ECQA is successfully certifying people all around the world, helping them to increase their value for their companies!
company established
Exams performed
business Partners
Active countries

EU Projects



The IDE@ project aims to set up an inclusive, drop-out proof distance vocational training dedicated to VET centers and ...


Cultural Heritage (CH) is in the focus of the European Union as motor for employment, economic drive and ...


The VirtualEDU project aims to establish a system of training and certification of students for education and work at a ...


 Logistics is the function responsible for the transport and storage of tangible and intangible goods.
Logo Ecoslight


The construction sector faces new challenges in order to provide smart, energy efficient and sustainable lighting ...
Logo Impact


IMPACT aims to create an expert training program on digital accessibility. This training will develop the skills of ...
Logo Go4Digreen


Go4DiGREEN is an innovative and rapid response to the changing operational context due to the pandemic and climate ...
Logo Train2Validate


TRAIN2VALIDATE is a strategic partnership in the field of higher education focused on one of the European priorities in the ...
Logo SafeLMD


The booming online trade is transforming the logistics industry and creating new job profiles. 
Logo GreenScent


GreenScent – Smart Citizen Education for a Green Future – aims to change citizens’ behaviors allowing them to be the ...
Logo Chaise
thin thin-icon-user


Blockchain is at the core of the EU strategy to advance digital transformation, benefitting society/businesses and ...
thin thin-icon-home


To INCREAS employment opportunities as well as fostering the general idea of sustainable Cultural Heritage of ...

People are talking

Recent News

GreenScent Newsletter

Welcome to the GreenSCENT Newsletter!Stay informed with our latest updates on the project!
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GreenScent Newsletter

Welcome to the GreenSCENT Newsletter!Stay informed with our latest updates on the project!
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Chaise Newsletter #7

In the past months, the CHAISE partnership has reached one of its milestones by releasing the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course "Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies" and ...
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Rechte Kremszeile 62, A-3500 Krems, Austria


+43 664 3912799



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