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Green Digital Accessibility

GDA 2024 flyer

This Friday, May 31st, marks the deadline for abstract submissions for the third annual Green Digital Accessibility Conference, set for December 2-3, 2024, in Barcelona and online.

Submit now!

Our latest blog article

Green Schools For All: Fostering Accessibility and Sustainability in Education

Our recommendations


Accessibility icon
Guidelines and reviews on the accessibility of board games!

A Children Book

The legs of different kids.
"We Move Together" is a vibrant story celebrating how a diverse group of kids creatively navigate barriers and build connections.

An Article

Cover of the Universal Access in the Information Society book.
Engagement and accessibility tools for pro-environmental action on air quality: the SOCIO-BEE paradigm.
contact info

Rechte Kremszeile 62, A-3500 Krems, Austria


+43 664 3912799



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Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.